30 October 2009
Burning the Midnight Oil
The Ray N. Experience wishes you a Happy Halloween. Remember to bring along some hand sanitizer on your travels, whether it's a party or trick-or-treating; candy is handed out quite liberally and germs can be spread just as easily, what with the H1N1 scare and all. As for myself, I'm not sure what to do tomorrow. I do have a mask, but I have no concrete plans other than work on some homework and other routine things. Have I gotten too old for Halloween?
Although I don't have any plans for Halloween, I do have plans today. You may notice that this week's post is up earlier than I normally post as of late, and there's good reason. I plan on watching the Michael Jackson documentary "This Is It" at the theatre and watch MJ's final days of rehearsal. Should be cool, I hope. Will post a review next week.
Speaking of hand sanitizer and H1N1, the week after next, "The Madman Diaries III" will be posted and the content will be about those very subjects. After that, I'll be free out of advance ideas, and I'm too busy/lazy to come up with new content for the next post. Hopefully Thanksgiving Break will hit and I can take a week off from posting without feeling overly guilty about it.
Also, before I'm done for tonight, the illustration above is lovingly colored by the amazing Van Krause. I just drew it. But yeah, please give Van Krause some thanks. He's helped me out when I'm busy with other things and he's made of all kinds of awesome. Again, thank you, Van Krause! Remind me to get you something nice! ♥
I hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween! Seriously, if something bad happens to anyone, I'll have less readers. And that's never a good thing.
PS: I want a caramel apple. Hold the razor blades. Thank you.