The above image is edited for obvious reasons., a ROM hacking website I have some history with, has created a new ROM hack that is surely a contender for the title of the definitive ROM hack. The BHDN community has released their team effort on April 20, known to the world as "Donner Party".
Donner Party is a ROM hack of Bandai's cult game "Monster Party" and instead of playing as a child and his gargoyle friend, you play as an inbred racist with a really huge organ who descended from a family of phallophages. He starts out by using his organ to murder black people solely because his sister had decided to shack up with a Pakistani man and not him. Tired of slaying the colored, he decides to get a sex-change operation and becomes a mermaid with a penchant for striped socks. But as she decides to start her life anew, BP spills oil into the Gulf Coast, making her angry enough to exact revenge on the corporation.
I am not making any of this shit up. See?
There's other crazy characters in Donner Party, like Wilford Brimley, Glen Quagmire, Tardy the Tiger, Suicide Mouse, Custer, Lady Gaga, Sonichu, and a small Ethiopian boy infected with AIDS, all in bizarre situations. It must be played to be believed. has done the impossible and have made a group effort in thoroughly hacking a video game for the sole purpose of hilarious, yet borderline obscene fun. So please, thank them all and visit their site. I'm also working on a new comic for them and it should be done before this year is over.
You can find the patch for the hack here, and you'll need an NES emulator, a ROM of "Monster Party" and Lunar IPS patching utility to make it all work.
Oh, and you gotta be over 17 to play. It's definitely not for kids. Play at your own risk.