22 January 2010

Discoveries as a Youth

We all discover new things in life as we grow up. It's a fact of life. I'm not exempt from that fact. In less than a month, I turn 23 years old. Even though I'm still "young", I am starting to feel quite "old". As such, I've been more lethargic on lazy weekend days and I've been reflecting on my past about the little things I've discovered, good and bad. I know I will continue to make more discoveries in the future, but back then, my past discoveries seemed like such a big deal. I believe everyone has done that, reflecting on their first achievements and disappointments, and I also believe that some of our discoveries are common. With that said, here's a list of notable discoveries from my youth, both good and bad, in no particular chronological order:

- Learning that the stove burns you when it's hot.

- Same as above, but with the iron.

- Finding the Warp Zones in "Super Mario Bros."

- Finding out Santa Claus isn't real.

- Learning that Skittles couldn't be grown after planting and watering them outside like the TV commercial.

- Falling in love for the first time with the cute girl in my 2nd grade class.

- The pain of rejection after being turned down by the cute girl in my 2nd grade class.

- Learning that cooties aren't real.

- Suddenly being attracted to girls when 6th grade hit.

- Discovering Channel 99 on basic cable.

- Masturbation.

- Learning that the Church is a lie.

- Learning that everything I learned in high school was a lie.

- Learning that the cake is a lie.

-Learning the rules of The Game, and lost it for the first time.

If you grew up during the 90s, I'm sure some of them might be relevant to you.


siggy 2010