09 October 2009

The Madman Diaries II

I've found this on a forum the other day, and it made me think...



Conservapedia, a neo-con wiki, undertakes a project to REWRITE the Holy Bible, believing that it was mistranslated as too "liberal".

Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican Party, and Jesus Christ, Son of God, must be facepalming up in heaven right fucking now. Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan's ghost gets a boner. The Bible, the holy book of Scripture and God's Word...LIBERAL?! That's like the equivalent of the CEO of McDonald's becoming the head of the FDA and ruling that Big Macs are vegan health food! I mean, I don't personally believe that the Bible is the word of God, but is written by men to suit the agendas of men and the King James Version was probably translated to suit the king's needs at the time, but seriously...how can JESUS CHRIST be considered too liberal?! I mean, sure, in the book of Acts, he and his followers had their own settlement and it worked like a commune, and Christ also taught others to love your neighbor and even your enemy. I mean, love to your fellow man...aren't these GOOD things?! This is pretty fucking sad. I'm not a religious person, but I do realize that the Bible is a significant book with some good stories that do help people. It also contains inaccuracies, of course, and things that are seen as archaic and offensive in these modern times, but it's pretty fucking sad to see a group of people wishing to change the Good Book to suit their neo-con agenda in the name of "American values". I hope the fine folks at Conservapedia will be happy defiling the Bible to their greedy, xenophobic, Objectivist needs. Five bucks says that Leviticus will contain 2000% more anti-homosexual rhetoric and that Ayn Rand and Ronald Reagan will be considered prophets.

C'est la vie,

siggy 2009

For more information about the Conservative Bible Project, click here.